Wednesday 16 March 2016

Last checks... little sleep, are you sure you have everything?

And today was it, the last day prior to flying out again.

This means it's a day which starts off relaxed, cause you know everything is ready, you've been everywhere where you should have been, and today is about relaxing, and enjoying the evening with the people you share you life with....

Or so it seems, reality is slightly different. Yes it starts off relaxed, and then just about around lunchtime, panic kicks in. Yes you've done this numerous times, no you've never left anything important behind, but let's triple and quadruple check your luggage, papers, passport, other documents. Let's be sure we're ready.

Once the rest settles in from this, you go through your laptop and make sure your hard-drives are as full as possible with stuff to watch, because once you leave, that's it. Whatever is on those drives is what you'll be watching for the upcoming 6 months.

With the laptop downloading stuff, which you started with days ago, but still. Your luggage packed, it finally starts to hit your brain. It's time to leave again, and you'll be back in 6 months.

Tonight, hence why this post is so late, I've enjoyed dinner at a nice restaurant, with my brother and the rest of the family, and mom and dad were there as well. It was nice seeing everyone, especially since it's going to be tough having to leave everyone behind again. But it's what we do, and we know this when we sign up for the job.

Today only a short post, time to head for bed. It's an early trip to the airport, leaving the house at 5:30 am, and it's already 11:30 pm, so that makes it less than 5,5 hours of sleep.

Good night, sleep tight and some crap about bedbugs, damn I hate those creatures!


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